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Elecca Maxwell

7 Ways to Tackle Stress

It’s safe to say that many of us face stress on a daily basis, but there are many techniques that can help kick this weighing feeling to the curb. We are amazed by the power of natural products to combat stress in our own lives, so we figured we’d share some of our favorite ways to use them to beat stress, along with some self-care rituals we practice regularly.

Here are 7 ways to handle stress—not just today, but every day!

1. Keep Calm & Roll On


When in doubt, grab your essential oils roll-on. This convenient little helper is the perfect size to bring with you anywhere, and it is the best way to quickly apply essential oils when you need them most.

For a general feeling of calm, try the Peace Herbal Blend Roll On. This blend combines stress-relieving oils like ylang ylang, patchouli, frankincense, clary sage, sweet orange, and thyme.

For a stress-induced headache, you’ll need the Headache Herbal Blend Roll On. Whether you have a tension, pain, or pressure headache, peppermint, lavender, sweet basil, and frankincense are to the rescue!

When you’re stressed, one of the worst things that can happen is when anxiety keeps you lying awake at night. Try the Sleep Herbal Blend Roll On for a blend of lavender, sweet orange, and chamomile to help you fall into a deep, restorative sleep.


2. Take Some Deep Breaths

Meditation can be an intimidating practice, especially if you’re new to it. But reaping the benefits of meditation doesn’t mean you have to sit down for twenty minutes a day. Try a couple minutes of deep breathing to bring you into a state of peace. If you’re feeling distracted during this practice, imagine yourself in a beautiful, calm place by the ocean or in the mountains. This breathing practice works wonders at reducing stress.


3. Spa Night With Face Masks

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The best form of self-care is to do something you don’t normally “have time” to do. While we may wash and moisturize our faces every day, it seems face masks have slipped into that luxury category where they’re reserved for girls nights and spa nights. Next time you’re stressed, instead of saying you don’t have enough time, set aside 15-20 minutes to enjoy a relaxing evening with a face mask. Not only will your skin thank you, but taking the time to do something good for yourself is the ultimate reset.

Try the Purifying Charcoal Mask or the Detoxifying Clay Mask.

4. When Stressed, Find Child’s Pose

Just like meditation, reaping the benefits of yoga doesn’t require a full blown hot yoga class. Simply roll out your yoga mat and move through a few of your favorite poses. It can be tempting to get into the mindset of, “If I don’t have time for a class, why bother at all?”, but take a moment to simply fold forward, step into downward facing dog, or even pause in child’s pose. Notice how good you instantly feel by taking on a new shape and moving your body.


5. Find Some Solitude In The Bathtub


Feeling like you just can’t get away? When life pulls at you in a million directions, you may dream of a weekend somewhere far away, but until then, treat yourself to an indulgent bath.

Magnesium soaks are the ultimate relief for body aches and tired muscles. Magnesium even promotes a deeper sleep. Pair that with your favorite essential oil (Lavender is great for relaxation), and you’ll feel instantly relaxed.

6. Wake Up Early & Face The Day

When you’re feeling overwhelmed and tired, the last thing you want to do is wake up early. But taking advantage of the first hours of the day can get you a head start on the tasks in front of you. Wake up early and tackle your biggest projects first. This will eliminate the looming stress of all you have to do. You may even want to wake up and workout or tackle some chores—whatever typically stresses you out midday, these are great things to do first thing in the morning to get them out of the way.


7. Tend To Your Feet 

Beat stress by massaging your feet. We carry a lot of our workload tensions and stress in our feet, so treating them to some self-massage can be incredibly rejuvenating.

As we mentioned earlier, magnesium is super beneficial in treating muscle pain and body aches, and this Magnesium Lotion with Peppermint will nurture your feet and provide a stress-relieving scent.

Whatever you decide to do today to banish stress, make sure to take care of yourself and set aside plenty of time to nurture your body, your skin, and your soul.

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