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Elecca Maxwell

Annya’s Story – Special education helps people of all abilities bloom!

Meet our BEAUTIFUL model, Annya!

Annya is the daughter of Founder Nancy Bogart. She is part of a dedicated home office team comprised of individuals with special needs, who play an essential role in creating our products and filling orders. Chances are if you order a Joyful Jordan Box, Annya, with her ray of sunshine personality, joyfully packaged it just for you.

Annya was born in Russia and adopted at age 4.5 when many children had early education and experiences. When Annya entered school, it was quickly discovered she was different than her brother Ben who is 2 weeks younger than she is. Annya had a learning disability and ADHA that would follow her through her school career and working career.

Annya’s environment, genetics, and lack of nutrition and resources did not slow her down. She has always wanted to be like other kids and worked hard. She was the chatty kid in school and was the hit of the special education classrooms, where she was surrounded by kids with mental and physical disabilities. She treated everyone like they were her best friend and never shied away from helping them be the best they could be.

When Annya was little she was visiting with a little boy with Downs Syndrome and his mother shared she loved how Annya treated him like he was any other kid. Annya promptly replied, what is Downs Syndrom? She said how do you know?

In high school, Annya decided she wanted to be a para-professional and help children. She as the classroom helper, and bus helper slowly realized the unofficial dream to help others with disabilities by reading, laughing, and helping “teens be teens” as she likes to say.

Annya went to Camp Barnabus a camp for teens to adults with special needs as a camper one year and quickly decided she was not the camper but a camp counselor role called a missionary partner designed to help a camper one-on-one even with feeding tubes and blind campers. Annya has served 7 years now as a partner.

Annya was accepted to a special program at Missouri State University Bear Power program for young adults with disabilities to get her certification in special education and actually live on campus and go to classes with other college students. Much to her parent’s hesitation and true Annya style, she said she was ready. Annya graduated with flying colors in May 2022.

Annya works at Jordan Essentials with the 25% adult special abilities workforce as a team member and inspiration. She volunteers on the weekend with her boyfriend at their church kids program.

Annya is an example of how special education helps people of all abilities bloom into amazing parts of our society and is the inspiration for Jordan Essentials hiring people with different abilities creating an adaptive workplace environment and working with agencies to place people with special needs.

Annya is truly a joyful light to all who meet her and a spark of inspiration that all who have a dream can reach.

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