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Elecca Maxwell

Know Your Boo Bees!

Know Your Boo Bees!

Boooo…the facts about breast cancer are not fun.  Stop for a moment and look around at your best friend, sister, mother, grandmother, aunt, daughter, your daughter’s best friend, and yourself.  Statistics say that one 1 in 8 women in the US will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.  It’s personal! So let’s get personal about it.

As we begin October, we are encouraging you to know your Booo Bees!  Knowing the not-so-fun facts about Breast Cancer can help us BEE active in taking preventative steps.

Being informed about what you put into your body and onto your body is a first step. We are all aware that eating a healthy diet is important to overall health but what about the products who use topically every day?  It’s important to read your labels and know the ingredients in the products we use in our daily body care routine. An easy switch to make this month is to eliminate harmful ingredients from your daily deodorant routine.

Several studies have shown that aluminum, parabens, and sulfates are potential problem ingredients lurking in your antiperspirants and deodorants.
Many popular deodorants and antiperspirants include aluminum which blocks sweat by clogging your pores, and therefore blocks odor that comes along with it. Here’s the rub– it’s unnatural and interrupts the body’s ability to sweat and rid itself of toxins.

Included as preservatives, parabens help prevent fungi and bacteria from growing in products. While they are effective at their job, they have also been known to mimic estrogen in your body’s cells.

Sulfates are salts that help remove oil and dirt and reduce moisture. Their drying ability can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.

While these ingredients may be effective at their job, they are also increasing your health risk because they are being absorbed through your skin. The biggest problem is they may be linked to kidney and liver issues, Alzheimer’s, and breast cancer in both men and women.

Jordan Essentials’ deodorants free you from these toxins and allow your body to do what it was meant to do – without the stink. Our super-effective deodorants use plant-based science to control odor. They minimize wetness, leave skin smelling clean and fresh, and glide on easily.

When switching to a natural deodorant, you may need to detox your pits for the best results.

1. Cleanse with our Activated Charcoal Bar Soap to pull out the impurities.

2. Help fight smelly bacteria with Spritz Your Pits with a couple of sprays of this powerful essential oil blend under each arm and allow to dry.

3. Apply just a couple of swipes of Jordan Essentials’ deodorant of your scent choice. It doesn’t take much.

During the month of October, Jordan Essentials is committed to doing our part. $1 from every purchase of our Black Raspberry Vanilla Deodorant and $5 from each purchase of our Detox Bundle will be donated to Breast Cancer Awareness.

After the detox period, you can cleanse with Jordan Essentials Shower Gel as part of your daily routine. Be patient – this routine can take several days. If your detox needs a little extra boost, apply our Purifying Charcoal Mask under your arms once a week.

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